12 сортів пива

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Ящик з 12-ма сортами пива «Волинський Бровар».

В набір входять:

  1. Forest IPA American  Ale — Plato 15 / Alcohol 5.7 / IBU 45  / 0,35L
  2. Welcome to Berezne Export Amber – Plato 12°/ Alcohol 4.8% / IBU 20 / 0,35L
  3. Weizen Weizen Lager — Plato 12 / Alcohol 4.9 / IBU 12 / 0,35L
  4. Win-Win Rice Lager — Plato 11,5 / Alcohol 4,5 / IBU 18 / 0,35L
  5. Split Blonde Ale — Plato 14,5 / Alcohol 4,0 / IBU 18 / 0,35L
  6. Vermont IPA American Ale   — Plato 15 / Alcohol 5.9 / IBU 45 / 0,35L
  7. Wheat APA  American Ale —  Plato 12 / Alcohol 4.5 / IBU 30 /  0,35L
  8. Amazonka Smooth Tropical Pale Ale with Mango — Plato 15/ Alcohol 5.5 / IBU 25/ 0,35L
  9. Porter Baltic Porter — Plato 15.5 / Alcohol 5.8 / IBU 20 / 0,35L / 0,35L
  10. Forest Black IPA American Specialty IPA — Plato 18°/ Alcohol 7.3%/ IBU 50 / 0,35L
  11. Salvator Imperial Coffee Milk Stout — Plato 20°/ Alcohol 8.0% / IBU 35 / 0,35L
  12. Big Man English Barleywine — Plato 23 / Alcohol 10.0 / IBU 35 / 0,35L
760 грн



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Great beer from small brewery Great beer from small brewery Great beer from small brewery Great beer from small brewery